We've not updated the blog for a little while due to an incredibly high workload, possibly the busiest period we have ever experienced as a business where the whole team has been working around the clock to meet various client deadlines.
The last 10 days has been the most intense period having filmed and photographed at over 50 locations in the space of 7 days, add to that editing and retouching time we really have had to be on top of our game.

We do however thrive on pressure and always meet even the tightest of deadlines. Modern technology of course helps and it helps having invested in the best computers and camera equipment to speed our workflow up. Being able to transfer large proof files to clients saves arranging meetings and speeds up the feedback process.
Regardless of how tight your deadlines if you have a mammoth project to work our team here at Abraxas is here to work with you to give you the best possible job. Contact us at info@abraxasphoto.co.uk or call 01234 841912